Thursday, November 23, 2023


 1 Samuel 16:7

King James Version

7 But the Lord said unto Samuel, 

Look not on his countenance, 

or on the height of his stature; 

because I have refused him: 

for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; 

for man looketh on the outward appearance, 

but the Lord looketh on the heart.

It's been decades since I last sketched.

I would normally sketch eyes, effortlessly.

As if there was something about eyes, that beheld me.

But I would normally sketch lovely women's eyes.

Enjoying the curve of the eyebrows, the slant to the eyes, the long lashes, the light-colored gaze, the grace to it all.

Taking up architecture seemed to have dislodged all that.

Probably because structure replaced "freehand".

It was only today -- 44 years after -- that I held pencil and sketched again.

But this time, I sketched a face, outlining the features, and the background first.

And this time, I skirted around sketching the eyes.

It was a stranger who coaxed me into sketching him at a park.

A small group of people gathered, waiting, and watching.

I remember that stranger's beard, hair, and eyes.

And I sketched everything, BUT the eyes.

I left it for last.

Those round, black eyes.

The mirrors to the soul were to be last.

I seemed to be sketching for hours.

Prodding myself to finally take to the eyes.

But somehow, it didn't get done.

Strangest of all?

It was a dream.

I had been sketching a stranger in my dream.

A man I never saw in my whole life.

Another poignant thing is that GOD woke me up at EXACTLY 4:44 a.m.

It took me 44 years to finally sketch another face.

What is it about the number "4"?

Ed f. Vallowe's "Keys to Scripture Numerics" says the number 4 stands for:



Something to think about, for a future time.

But those eyes were forever imprinted in my mind.

Only because I didn't get to sketch it.

And I sure don't want to lose the memory.

You know how dreams are.

They could be strange.

You know the motions you do.

You know how you egg yourself to act on things.

You even know your movements.

What was SPIRIT making me see?

Why did I leave the eyes for last?

Why had I not finished the sketch?

I was about to do the finishing touches.

Such as darkening the hair, for contrast.

That the face may stand out "among the trees".

And last of all, the eyes, which would complete the face.

Everyone waited patiently on.

Including myself.

But I never got to doing the eyes.

Those round, black eyes that my hand wanted to faithfully sketch.

For I was like a copying machine when I'd sketch.

I wanted to capture ALL the details.

I wanted to capture the EXACT image.

I wanted to capture EXACT proportions.

But I never got to finish those eyes.

It's not a disturbing dream.

Just an intriguing one.

Before GOD made me born again over 50 months ago, I had no trouble sketching eyes.

It served as "doodle" for me.

Now that I'm born again, it was the last I could touch.

Perhaps, because the eyes are sacred?

Very strange, indeed.

Leaves room for thought.

But I leave everything to GOD.

Only He sees the soul anyway.

Related material:

BORN AGAIN classics

GOD's GLORY blogs


Image: Wallpaper Access

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