Saturday, April 20, 2024



Galatians 2:4

King James Version

4 And that because of false brethren unawares 

brought in, who came in privily 

to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, 

that they might bring us into bondage:

If you think spying is an honorable game, wait till you hear what Scripture has to say.

If you think spying is fun, wait till you hear why it's funny.

If you think spying is cool, wait till you hear what will turn your heart cold.

Here's my stand:

I don't need to spy on anyone.

What for?

GOD tells me everything I need to know.

JESUS already told me everything I need to know.

SPIRIT tells me everything I need to know each day.

Scripture tells me everything The TRIUNE GOD wants me to know.

Don't you see how wonderful GOD is?

If you're a believer, you know where you stand with Him

If you're not a believer, you know, too.

GOD is transparent.

He expects us to be transparent, too.

John 4:24

King James Version

24 God is a Spirit: 

and they that worship him 

must worship him in spirit 

and in truth.

In this world, you never really know.

Unless you believe in JESUS and Israel.

Ah, then, you'll know where you stand.

John 15:18-19

King James Version

18 If the world hate you, 

ye know that it hated me before it hated you.

19 If ye were of the world, 

the world would love his own: 

but because ye are not of the world, 

but I have chosen you out of the world, 

therefore the world hateth you.

In man's world, most is hidden.

By the elite few.

In GOD's world, nothing is hidden.

All is revealed.

Just a matter of fulfilling the last prophecies.

Which Scripture already laid out for us.

Many have already been fulfilled, more to go.

Being born again is the best!

I know what to believe.

I know Who to believe.

I know where to put my trust in.

After all, true PEACE comes from FAITH, and TRUST.

In the RIGHT Sources, such as these:


John 8:12

King James Version

12 Then spake Jesus again unto them, 


I am the light of the world: 

he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, 

but shall have the light of life.

In GOD is ABSENCE of darkness.

1 John 1:5

King James Version

5 This then is the message 

which we have heard of him, 

and declare unto you, 

that God is light, 

and in him is no darkness at all.


2 Corinthians 3:17

King James Version

17 Now the Lord is that Spirit: 

and where the Spirit of the Lord is, 

there is liberty.

Spying is such a NEUROTIC thing.

You always wonder what others are doing.

Your eyes, and ears, are gonna fall out from doing all that.

Much better you focus on what GOD's doing.

Or what He has done, and will still do.

Consider what spying does:

Spying is a TRAITOROUS thing.

You check what others are doing.

And they think you're friends.

Such betrayal.

Spying is a DANGEROUS thing.

Watch documentary spy videos.

You'll find spies out-spy each other.

Not only that, they betray each other.

Spying is a DESTRUCTIVE thing.

You aim to steal secrets.

The other aims to do the same.

Until such time you've both outlived your purpose.

It's all about BETRAYAL.

How can you be comfortable with that?

There is no truth in spying.

There is no loyalty.

There is no sacredness of life.

There is no stability.

How can it not destroy you, as a person?

Consider who you REALLY serve, when you spy:

John 8:44

King James Version

44 Ye are of your father the devil, 

and the lusts of your father ye will do. 

He was a murderer from the beginning, 

and abode not in the truth, 

because there is no truth in him. 

When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: 

for he is a liar, and the father of it.

Only GOD has a RIGHT to send "spies".

For His own perfect objectives.

Especially regarding His chosen people.

Numbers 13:1-3

King James Version

13 And the Lord spake unto Moses, 


2 Send thou men, 

that they may search the land of Canaan, 

which I give unto the children of Israel: 

of every tribe of their fathers shall ye send a man, 

every one a ruler among them.

3 And Moses by the commandment of the Lord 

sent them from the wilderness of Paran: 

all those men were heads of the children of Israel.

To read that full account, click here.

If you're thinking of becoming a spy in this world, forget it.

Or, if you're already one, please reconsider.

Why live such a life?

Why live such a lie?

Why live such a low?

Consider these things:

If you think you're good-looking, someone else is more good-looking.

If you think you're rich, someone else is richer.

If you think you're smart, someone else is smarter.

If you think you're slick, someone else is slicker.

If you think you're favored, someone else is more favored.

If you think you're fast, someone else is faster.

You will smart at the fact someone else is smarter.

And yes, even ruthless.

It's a no-win situation, honest.

Now, you see why spying, and the above, are a form of neuroses.

It will drive you nuts.

It will drive people from your life.

It will destroy lives.

It will take out all godliness from you.

It will deplete you.

FORGET covert stuff.


JESUS tells us why:

Luke 8:17

King James Version

17 For nothing is secret, 

that shall not be made manifest; 

neither any thing hid, 

that shall not be known 

and come abroad.

My SPIRIT-guided suggestion?

Don't get a lie.


Have eternal life with JESUS instead.

Focus on JESUS, for a SURE future.

John 10:28-30

King James Version

28 And I give unto them eternal life; 

and they shall never perish, 

neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.

29 My Father, 

which gave them me, 

is greater than all; 

and no man is able to pluck them 

out of my Father's hand.

30 I and my Father are one.

I told you Scripture tells me everything.

We have over 100 blogs to prove it.

Without any neuroses, on my part.

And without hurting anyone at all.

But we get to love you, when we tell you GOD's laws.

When you spy for yourself, or others, you betray self, and others.

Not to mention how we betray GOD, Who taught us to love.

You will be mired in an intricate web of lies, and deceit.

Is that really how you want to live?

Related material:

CATS and spying

On NOT spying

The devil's DEVICES

JESUS and Satan


Image: Clipart Library

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