Sunday, January 5, 2025

JUST wondering

 Ephesians 6:10-12

King James Version

10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, 

and in the power of his might.

11 Put on the whole armour of God, 

that ye may be able to stand 

against the wiles of the devil.

12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, 

but against principalities, against powers, 

against the rulers of the darkness of this world, 

against spiritual wickedness in high places.

I'm not into conspiracy theories.

I merely connect the dots, through the HOLY SPIRIT's prompt.

More often than not, as I write an article, other articles are spawned.

I merely follow SPIRIT's lead.

Such as when we ended yesterday's article with:

"America is on the road to recovery with the Trump team.

Nation-wise, militarily, economically, and spiritually.

CHRIST's enemy knows that.

Precisely why he placed obstacles before them.

And that's for another post."

-- "AMERICA's re-elected HOUSE speaker"

This article you're reading now is that "post".

The trigger actually came right at the start of the Mike Johnson video, when he prayed for the victims at Louisiana.

Wherein a military guy plowed through Bourbon Street.

Killing 15, and injuring dozens of people.

RIGHT at that moment, I began to wonder if it was connected to a recent cybertruck explosion:

Are these "coincidences"?

FIRST, the car-ramming in Louisiana, which happened to be Speaker Johnson's home state. It happened just days before he was to be voted in Congress.

SECOND, the blowing up of the Tesla cybertruck, in front of the Trump hotel. Tesla's Elon Musk, and president-elect Trump, are pretty close. Trump's inauguration draws close.

THIRD, both perpetrators are military men; both American citizens. What pushed them over the edge?

FOURTH, both came from Fort Bragg.

FIFTH, both didn't mind perishing (the first perished through police gunfire; the second was self-inflicted).

SIXTH, both seemed to have marriage problems.

Are these two random events, or are these connected?

Were they meant to warn the TRUMP team?

Is there a larger picture here?

What made these men "fall off"?

We are not into conjecture either.

We wait for the investigator's findings.

We shall know more as the days evolve.

We add videos below as they show up each day.

But we do know this -- Satan continues to menace.

Either to cause panic, fear, confusion, deception, hatred, anger, death, and destruction.

Those are his "fingerprints".

BEWARE his ways, and intentions:

1 Peter 5:8-9 

King James Version

8 Be sober, be vigilant; 

because your adversary the devil, 

as a roaring lion, walketh about, 

seeking whom he may devour:

9 Whom resist stedfast in the faith, 

knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished 

in your brethren that are in the world.

And to the public, know this:

Only through JESUS 

can we be safe, and saved.

The LORD assures believers:

Matthew 10:28

King James Version

28 And fear not them which kill the body, 

but are not able to kill the soul: 

but rather fear him which is able to destroy 

both soul and body in hell.

Luke 21:18

King James Version

18 But there shall not 

an hair of your head perish.

Revelation 1:18

King James Version

18 I am he that liveth, and was dead; 

and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; 

and have the keys of hell and of death.

Related material:

AMERICA's re-elected HOUSE speaker



TYPES of mind


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