Ephesians 6:11
King James Version
11 Put on the whole armour of God,
that ye may be able to stand
against the wiles of the devil.
I get dreams,
forever battling something.
This time,
I fought black scorpions.
So large and thick-shelled,
my metal spear clanked.
Then one scorpion shrinks,
goes into a young girl's back.
an older woman hovers over her.
Not good,
not good at all.
The parasite must not,
ever reach the young girl's heart.
Then I espied a tired, old warrior,
sitting, wounded, and depleted.
He looks up at me,
would I continue the fight?
I take up the cudgel,
following both women.
MORE poetry here.
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(Image source: Insomn1ack for New Grounds)